Advertiser Disclosure: At Slickdeals, we work hard to find the best deals. Some products in our articles are from partners who may provide us with compensation, but this doesn’t change our opinions. Our editors strive to ensure that the information in this article is accurate as of the date published, but please keep in mind that offers can change. We encourage you to verify all terms and conditions of any product before you apply.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Fresh Deals, Every Time

This year, we’ve been making more product and technology investments than ever before, with the goal of increasing our deal selection, improving the search functionality and much more.

Right now, we’re testing a new feature that has the potential to add a much wider variety of deals and products for everyone in our community. With Slickdeals Scout, now in beta, we can monitor millions of products and compare historical prices across many online stores. Plus, we can now detect price drops and automatically share them with you at lightning speed. Recently, we’ve been testing these deals on the Just For You section of the Slickdeals home page. Check out an example of Slickdeals Scout in action.

Slickdeals Scout captures price data and customizes deals for your interests.

Slickdeals Scout captures price data and customizes deals for your interests.

Here are some notable elements of Slickdeals Scout:

  • Early testing phase: We are just beginning to test this new tool with a limited number of users, so you may not see Slickdeals Scout in action quite yet while we continue to refine, but there’s more to come, so stay tuned.
  • Supplemental to user-posted deals: This tool won’t replace other deals you come to Slickdeals for, but if you’re looking for a product and the community hasn’t shared a relevant deal yet, you may find one from Slickdeals Scout.
  • The best deals win: We’re taking a mathematical approach to finding these deals with the help of our algorithm, and we are not being paid to promote certain deals with this tool. Slickdeals Scout is truly designed to scour the internet and bring you the best deals possible.

Celebrating Community

Community contests

Our community comment appreciation events continued in May, with three contests designed to celebrate your participation and creativity. The contests this month invited users to:

  • Share your favorite deal of the week: This event asked users to share their favorite deal thread from the past week and describe what they loved about it.
  • Comment in a thread five days of the week: Community members could post a comment on any five days of the week in different threads to qualify.
  • Vote in a thread five days of the week: Here, users needed to vote on a thread five different days of the week during the contest to participate.

For each contest, winners received a $5 Amazon gift card. Thank you to all of our participants and winners for the lively discussion and engagement!

More Personalization for the Win

Personalized Deal Alerts email

Our team also launched a project this month to bring you more deals customized for your individual preferences. Our Personalized Deal Alert Recommendations campaign sent an email to many of our users to make it easy to sign up for deal alerts on the products and brands they love with just one click. We’re excited about the possibilities of highlighting more deals tailored just for you.

Did you receive this email and find it helpful? Are you using personalized deal alerts? Let us know what you think!


Slickdeals Staff

We cover every deal possible as long as we think it will be relevant to our community and readers.