Advertiser Disclosure: At Slickdeals, we work hard to find the best deals. Some products in our articles are from partners who may provide us with compensation, but this doesn’t change our opinions. Our editors strive to ensure that the information in this article is accurate as of the date published, but please keep in mind that offers can change. We encourage you to verify all terms and conditions of any product before you apply.

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In April, we continued to work on new projects and tests to better serve our Slickdeals users and celebrate the enthusiasm you bring to our community. This month, we enhanced your email experience, organized some community contests, ran an AMA and more.

Inbox Joy: Personalized Deals Hit the Mark

It’s no secret that Slickdealers are united by our love of deals, but we’re all unique individuals, too. That’s why we’ve been testing ways to make our emails more relevant for each of you. 

To do this, we sent a variety of different emails across our user groups. And the results are in: From electronics and apparel to travel deals and more, our personalized recommendation recipe helps find deals that match your interests.

Slickdeals personalized deals in daily digest email

The Daily Digest curates deals designed for your lifestyle right to your inbox.

Awarding Our Community’s Creativity

In April, we celebrated our community with more comment recognition contests, and you all really delivered. Thank you for all the fun engagement that brings life to our forums. Some comments, like this one from user GeoffreyK24, remind us how useful the right deal can be.

Slickdeals personalized deals in daily digest email

GeoffreyK24 shares how the little things can make a difference.

And others, like the note shared by mlj2015, reminds us that sometimes we don’t know what we need until we find it.

Slickdeals personalized deals in daily digest email

mlj2015 totally gets the joy of a good deal.

We recognized many other comments, too, so be sure to check out all our award winners. This month, our winners each received a $5 digital Amazon gift card, and we thank everyone for sharing their creative comments and funny stories!

“Slicker” Top Deal Feeds

Since last month, we’ve been sending some of our highly engaged users an email designed to enhance their experience on Slickdeals. This email, which includes 18 of the hottest Frontpage deals, brings you to a page where you can explore further standout deals.

By connecting the deals you see in email to what you find when you click through to the site, we hope our community will have a more cohesive and tailored experience to help bring the deals you want right to your fingertips.

The Power of Early Voting

slickdeals voting


At the end of April, we launched a new program to reward users who vote on deals early—many of you have a great eye for spotting hot deals, and we want to recognize that. In particular, the program rewards people who:

  • Vote accurately before a deal becomes popular
  • Vote accurately before a deal hits the Slickdeals Frontpage
  • Vote regardless of the timing of vote—everyone can be a winner

Those who have the highest guess rates (minimum of 10 votes) will win a $5 gift card, along with being celebrated on the forums and across Slickdeals. First winners will be announced by May 6, 2024, and this will also be an ongoing contest.

Be sure to keep an eye out for future rounds, and thank you to everyone who jumped in to vote in our inaugural contest!

AMA With Deal Hunter daisybeetle


On Friday, April 19, we hosted an AMA with long-time deal hunter daisybeetle. Our community showed up to ask questions about how to find the best deals and how daisybeetle approaches the hunt. 

For example, Shadow_Heir asked, “What are the top 3 tips you would give to deal hunters in general?” 

Daisybeetle’s tips include:

  • Test your deal: Make sure you can apply the deal or add it to your cart before sharing with others.
  • Check out Slickdeals: You can peruse deal history but also connect with our savvy users for help, tips and feedback.
  • Enjoy the process: Half the fun of finding a great deal is sharing it with your community and spreading the excitement.

Building Our Ambassador Program


We also launched our new Slickdeals Ambassador Program last month. Members gain the ability to preview early features and new functionality, and weigh in on burgeoning alpha projects before official release. 

Thanks to our active community, the program is growing, with more than 20 ambassadors already signed up. If you’re a regular user, you might have received an invite, or you can send a PM to redsolar to request to join the program.


Slickdeals Staff

We cover every deal possible as long as we think it will be relevant to our community and readers.