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Reading Time: 3 minutesREI offers some of the best quality brands and outdoor gear, so when they also offer 50% off on brands and items across the site, it’s a great time to jump on camping and outdoor essentials you know have already been vetted and approved by the experts.
Quantities are limited so you will want to shop early for the best selections and sizes. Free shipping is available for orders over $50, or you can opt for free in-store pick-up. Additional discounts are also available on select clearance items for even more savings.
Discounts During the REI 2020 Year-End Clearance Sale
- Up to 50% off Fitness (includes shoes, clothes, smartwatches, and more)
- Up to 50% off Women’s clothing
- Up to 50% off Jackets and puffers
- Up to 40% off Base layers (includes tops and bottoms)
- Up to 40% off Snow clothing (includes snow pant, jackets, gaiters, more)
- Up to 40% off REI Outlet items (includes North Face clothing, sleeping bags, bikes, more)
- Up to 40% off Men’s clothing
- Up to 40% off Footwear
Slick Tip: If you happen to spend $100, you can become a lifetime REI Co-op member virtually for free. Benefits include an annual member dividend and access to numerous member-exclusive events.
Other Ways to Save with REI
If you’re big on outdoor adventures, you may want to consider signing up for an REI membership for even more perks and discounts throughout the year. Here are a few additional ways to save with REI:
- Get free U.S. standard shipping on orders of $50 or more on order through March 1, 2021. Read terms and exclusions here.
- Sign up as an REI Co-op member today and get access to member-exclusive events, special pricing on rentals, classes, and the Annual Member Dividend. A lifetime membership is only $20.
- If you apply for the REI Co-op World Elite Mastercard, you can earn a $100 REI gift card after your first purchase.
- Through December 31, 2020, consider making a $50 purchase at REI and adding a $20 lifetime membership to your cart. A bonus card will be added automatically to your order. According to REI, you’ll earn $20 toward your next purchase when you become a member.
- Save up to 50% off handpicked gear at the REI Outlet section for major deals.
- If you’re an REI Co-op member, you can send your old gear through REI’s new trade-in program and get an REI gift card.
How to Save No Matter When or Where You Shop
Navigate multiple sales at once by setting Deal Alerts on Slickdeals for items you need and are already shopping for, and by checking our coupon pages for current promo codes for your favorite stores.
You can also download the Slickdeals browser extension to help save you money when you shop online. It auto applies coupon codes before you check out and can also show you any active deals our community of over 12 million active deal hunters has found as you visit any of the hundreds of supported stores.
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